Our firm has earned success in serving organizations of varying sizes, structures, and statutes. Our management level personnel have in excess of 30 years experience and our entire staff is experienced in governmental, not-for-profit, compliance audits, single audits in accordance with Uniform Guidance, GAAP conversions, assistance and preparation of Annual Comprehensive Financial Reports, and preparation of not-for-profit tax returns.
Our firm specializes in governmental and not-for-profit accounting and our clients represent nearly all facets of the economic spectrum. Our experience in fund accounting permits us to complete our engagements timely and with minimal disruption to our client’s staff. We believe in the concept of personal professional service, striving to maintain reasonable fees for our clients. Our firm has a policy of Affirmative Action and Equal Opportunity Employment.

Our firm is aware of and meets the requirements of the AICPA and GAO regarding Continuing Professional Education. Our firm conducts relevant in-house seminars and utilizes external sources to meet the education guidelines of the Accountancy Board of Ohio. We are registered in the Quality Review Program of the Ohio Society of CPAs, with our last review completed in December 2022, in accordance with GAO guidelines. Our firm received a peer review rating of pass.